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How do you measure your customer feedback? Do you use TripAdvisor? Monitor your social media feeds and comments? How do you qualify the results?
Using the latest techniques combined with creating a comment card is a simple way to measure satisfaction at the point of delivery, for all you customers, whether they are techno or not so. However you need to translate the feedback into a useful data.

We design build and measure your customer satisfaction survey for you, combining online with conventional comment cards, using QR codes or SMS links. We analysis the results and compile a monthly report that shows you your overall satisfaction score (more frequent if you need when you are starting or want to target a particular event). Use the results to motivate your staff and improve performance. It is a powerful way to drive inbound marketing to your business.

Along with our survey service we can also produce detailed maps showing where your customers come from, this helps you to target advertising in areas that you need, we can also deliver targeted internet marketing to the catchment areas you want. Along with your own website ranking this increases your chances of capturing a new customer.
Combining these results with our e-mail or SMS service means you can keep in contact with your customers directly engaging them and making exclusive special offers.
May be you want to test your new menu, run a wine tasting evening or invite people to a new opening and you want feedback from your valuable customers, invite them directly. We offer online surveys that you can use at these events as well to gain direct feedback, that is impartial and is available almost immediately.
Why not?
We did have a survey but we did not get many responses?
Make your survey results part of your staff motivation and rewards programme. Start simply with setting a goal of getting a set number of surveys completed. Then run a competition between your team to see who can get the most surveys completed. A quick check on the number of covers you have should indicate a likely number of surveys you can expect. Pointing this out also shows you are counting!!
Why do we need a survey we know we will get bad results?
How do you know? Is it just because you are not getting the foot fall that you had hoped or are you always receiving the same complaint time after time? Do something to change and tell people about it! Making a change that answers a specific complaint could have a massive impact. Social media is great for this, if you then reinforce your improvement by asking for more feed back at each visit you are at least giving your self the chance to keep improving.
Some of the comments we get are ridiculous!
We include the outrageous and those that seem to be a little strange. They are included in the results unless they are offensive or inappropriate, in which case we advise you directly so you are aware of any problems. We look at comments in context and give a score accordingly, we also look at how and where the comments are made, how many similar comments there have been and who has made the comment.
We are on TripAdvisor already!
Great, TripAdvisor helps to improve your presence on the internet and can help with your website ranking on search engines in the same way our e-mail and SMS service can but comments are normally made after the fact, you also do not get to compare directly other responses. By running your own survey you can counter negative comments by publishing your own satisfaction scores, you are also sign posting the survey to other TripAdvisor users. Also TripAdvisor users can come from any where and may only visit you once or twice a year, your regular customers will visit at different times throughout the year they are more important and potentially more valuable, they could also be on TripAdvisor!
We don’t sell fancy food!
It is not really about food, customer satisfaction is what is most important, you can still encourage your customers to engage with you and offer promotions at particular times.
May be your customers would like a wider menu? Even if it is just some different sandwiches and snacks, unless you ask you won’t know!
What do we do about bad results and negative comments?
Call us 01706 304450 we can prepare a programme that will help you to focus on improving your service, whilst using some of our other services including telemarketing, virtual office and market research and competitor analysis.