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We are no longer running our regular business networking events, we are now concentrating on creating business webinars that help businesses develop their own website content in an affordable and sustainable way.

You may want to have a look at some of our posts about SEO there might be a couple of ideas that you can use in your business!

  • What is SEO?

    What is SEO?

    No nonsense straight forward guide to find out if your business website needs SEO & how to get started!

  • Customer retention is key to success

    At Ræcan Marketing Solutions Ltd we offer a full range of call centre and telemarketing functions to business on short (4 hours) to medium or full-time contracts. In a recent survey of business leaders: 41% expect the battle to gain customers to intensify 44% expect customer retention to be crucial to business growth. 65% agree…

  • Customers are King Simples!

    Q: How do you protect your business during a recession?  Simple QR code allows your customers to engage with your customer survey and increases your customer data A: Hard work and customer retention Simples! but how do you listen to your customer with out creating massive amounts of work and taking resources away from your main…

  • Promoting your company

    In today’s digital world, getting your company listed in directories is straight forward, there are numerous local and industry specific listings. If you compliment your entries and cross link them you can immediately start generating interest. Use websites like: You can start generating enquiries make sure you are ready to deal with them. Ræcan can provide…