Thank you for your interest in our networking events.

We understand that this time you are not able to make a financial contribution to the running of our event, we realise this happens for a number of reasons. (We won’t tell anyone & you are still welcome. We hope you will be able to find a new customer or two at our event!)

If you are just starting your business or you would like a quick review you can book a FREE 1-2-1 marketing review with us!
Use this link & choose your time slot
(evenings available!)

There is something you can do to help us that only costs a few minutes rather than a few pennies ….

Before we get onto how we would like you to help us, we would like to ask you to help everyone else who has contributed to the cost of running our event.
Our ‘social boost’ is important for everyone to increase reach & exposure for all the businesses & people involved. We ask that you spend a little more of your time and you share & comment all of the content using the social boost hashtag on all of the social platforms that you use. We update the hashtag regularly to keep content relevant to our most recent meetings.

How you can help us directly 


We are actively growing our YouTube channel all we ask is that you watch at least one of our YouTube videos from beginning to end (this is important) & that you give each one you watch a thumbs up & you leave a positive comment using one of the hashtags in the description. All of the videos are informative & you should get something from them!


Watch sales & marketing videos


We need to get to a certain number of minutes watched before we can monetise our YouTube channel, we will then be able to display adverts, these won’t make us millionaires but will help us to keep the costs of our events low!

(The proceed button will appear after the video below has fininshed! You have time to go make a brew!)

Pay for attending networking by choosing to support using your time
The next page will give you the joining details for the next meeting
Play Video