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Any business that relies on repeat customers and any organisation that relies on customer recommendations.

Our customer  survey program for Pubs & Restaurants can be delivered using traditional comment cards, by SMS or online. Encourage customers to engage with you by offering a complinentary meal for 2? This allows you to share the winners experience on social media. In addition you gather postcode details, using your customer survey so you can target advertising to either existing or new potential customers. Our Customer Survey program for Pubs & Restaurants is fully delivered, we design and print comment cards according to your brand guide. We also collect comment card data from you directly,  with cards collected monthly.

Hotels & Accommodation Customer Surveys. With online reviews becoming more and more important to drive traffic to your business making sure you have got everything right for customers who have visited. Our Customer Surveys deliver an independent survey for your business that is followed up and checked with respondents. Customer Survey delivery can be by comment card, online or by SMS. We can also provide surveys in specific areas for you togather insight. By being able to record visitor postcodes you are able to target advertising more effectively.

Vehicle dealers customer surveys help to retain customers and improve satisfaction. Typically delivered by SMS or e-mail and using a simple metric to measure satisfaction. Customer Surveys help to deliver real time feedback about services. In addition, using SMS to deliver surveys helps customers to be come accustomed to interacting by SMS,


Survey customers to measure your performance and gain insight into your customers’ experience. Find out what your customers like and also what they don’t like. Engage with your customers who give negative feedback to improve your service and also to drive engagement

How? Survey methods and techniques

We can use customer comment cards, online media and telephone surveys to deliver a combination of results. By combining telephone calls and electronic surveys, responses are improved validated and follow up to specific answers can be identified and acted upon quickly.

Survey existing or lapsed customers

We create bespoke surveys that deliver direct feedback to our clients on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Unlike surveys available on-line, you gain direct feedback that enables you to remedy any problems and to discretely monitor the performance of your business.

Our surveys are designed to deliver overall insight as well as exploring specific services.

Data can be collected using a number of techniques, with the information gathered fed back to our clients in a simple report.

Satisfaction results can be used to drive bonus schemes for staff and can also be used to generate positive PR stories for use with social media and local press.

Contact information can be used to promote future events and carry out broader market research.

The simple example below shows some basic questions, possibly for a snack bar or cafe. Take part in our demonstration survey and leave your details and we will contact you to discuss your specific requirements. The date of birth entry on the form is mandatory purely to show how responses could be qualified. Responses can also be limited and restricted to certain groups or users.Customer survey for Pubs & Restaurants, Hotel and Vehicle Dealers

Below is a basic example of what an online survey could look like. Text and background colours can be changed to your specification.


Ræcan Marketing Solutions Customer surveys are fully branded
Our surveys are branded using your logos and contact information with links directly to your website at the close of the survey.

There is a single setup fee then an on going monthly fee. You get a simple weekly report and your specified flagged responses forwarded to you directly. Additional e-marketing and telemarketing programs are offered at competitive rates.