
SMS marketing can be easy for any business

By admin

July 24, 2013

Call us today 01706 304450 or e-mail

Yesterdays example was focused on a sole trader today we are going to look at a single event in this case an exhibition but it could be a product launch (lower costs), a new store or branch opening (higher costs).

As previously we will assume sending a text costs £0.10 +VAT but two keywords are rented.

Example #2

Our case study today is going to focus on an industrial b2b exhibition (b2c is a bit more complicated! due to privacy rules and legislation). The exhibition runs for 3 days and is the leading event in the industry. Rather than the traditional ‘put your card in this bowl to win a bottle of champagne’ or whatever your promotion is, go for an SMS keyword activity. Your company name or initials maybe, you could run two, one for people you speak to on the stand and one for passers by (they might have too many bags stuffed with literature to text try a QR code instead!).

So you now have a list of opted in mobile numbers (you are going to ask for the e-mail address as well aren’t you?), that you know were at the exhibition on a particular day at a particular time.


1. You could promote new products that you are presenting at the exhibition to the passers by, whilst they are still in the exhibition hall, increasing the foot fall to your stand rather than your competitors. 2. Invite people you have spoken to for an after exhibition drink or reception. If you want to be boring you could invite them on a factory tour or webinar. 3. Encourage people to forward your details to a colleague who was not at the exhibition so they can enter (think about this one!!) 4. Promote up coming product launches or initiatives you are running 5. Send information about how you got on at the exhibition, call to action

The numbers

So we will say there where 95,000 people who attended the exhibition over the 3 days, you had a bit of a poor stand so you only got about 30% walk by your stand (2,850) but 30% stopped to see you 855

Back to the options 1. Send your promotional SMS to 1995 passers by would cost £199.50+VAT or £66.50+VAT per day you have spent a few thousand getting there and how much do those barcode readers cost to rent? 2. Send to the 855 who have visited you £85.50+VAT only £28.50+VAT per day Well the scary part about option 3 is you will get a whole load of contact details about the people in the companies that were not even at the exhibition, if only 1% of the people who ‘saw’ you responded that is another 28.5 people you will have engaged with an increase of 30% for the whole exhibition! Option 4&5 are the same cost £285+VAT only £95+VAT per day

The total

So for the extra £190+VAT per day= £570+VAT plus the keyword rent for a month makes a total spend of under £700+VAT

Is that it?

Well no, remember you know when exactly someone was interacting with you! So your follow up e-mail (text RMS and your e-mail address and full name if it is not in your e-mail!) after the show can include information about what else happened on that day or that morning. You can carry on with the activity for the rest of the month and you have gained a massive amount of opted in data. Send a survey out to find out about your customer experience at the whole exhibition, what would they like to see next year? Don’t forget to invite them along when next years event is on, maybe run a VIP lounge or bar.

If you only remember one number out of all of this, here it is, you get a list of qualified opted in e-mail addresses, relevant to your industry for less than 25p each +VAT what would have happened if you got a 35% foot fall?

Call us today 01706 304450 or e-mail

PS. While your at the exhibition don’t forget you can use our virtual assistant to answer your phones